Unfortunately, many roads in Louisiana come with hazards, and avoiding the most dangerous roads might not always be possible. Sometimes, drivers may face added dangers from road conditions and negligent drivers. Injuries and worse may arise when commuting in Louisiana, so drivers need to be cautious.
Worries about the roadways
I-10 remains a top traveled highway, so the higher instances of accidents might not surprise residents. However, the number of fatal accidents may prove shocking. In just a two-year period spanning 2015 to 2017, I-10 saw 121 fatal crashes that caused 136 deaths. US-190 ranked at number two with less than half the number of fatal crashes and total fatalities. US-80 displayed the least number of fatal crashes with 14 deaths.
On 20 roadways, more than 2,200 people lost their lives. The circumstances involving the accidents deserve a closer look. Not surprisingly, a significant number of fatalities involved drunk drivers. Fatalities on I-10 involved 39 crashes with drunk drivers. US-80 involved five, which is around a third of the fatal accidents.
Negligence and accidents on Louisiana roadways
Drivers can benefit significantly from adhering to smart safety tips on the road. Avoiding travel in bad weather is wise. So is “buckling up” and keeping a vehicle in good operational safe. However, there are limitations to what a driver might control. One driver cannot stop a stranger from taking to the road under the influence of drugs or alcohol, nor could a responsible driver keep a truck from overloading its haul or keeping a driver from going far beyond posted traffic limits.
Drivers who operate a vehicle negligently could find themselves facing lawsuits. When the accident results in a fatality, the damages sought could be significant.
Roadways in Louisiana present dangers to drivers as the fatality statistics show. Individuals hurt in a collision might find it necessary to file an auto insurance claim or file a personal injury suit. An attorney may help clients with both.The post Are Louisiana roadways dangerous? first appeared on Phillips Law, LLC.